GABF 2015 Tickets on sale today!

Tickets for GABF 2015 go on sale today.  Below is the press release with purchasing information. They sell out quickly every year, so act fast!  Here is the link to the ticket FAQ page –


The Brewholder 

GABF Public Ticket Sale Today!

The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) public ticket sale begins TODAY at 10:00 AM MDT (12:00 PM EDT, 11:00 AM CDT, 9:00 AM PDT).

Go directly to the Ticketmaster page to purchase tickets when the sale begins at 10:00 AM MDT. We suggest you log in to before the sale to expedite the purchase process.

Note: To reduce fraud and scalping, there will be a ticket delivery delay; all purchased tickets will be released by August 7 for all delivery methods.

Don’t forget: GABF has sold out each year for the past six years, and tickets sold out in well under an hour in 2014.
More information about the ticket sale is posted online
No tickets will be sold by phone
New this year, you’ll be able to purchase tickets via the Ticketmaster app
Questions? Check out our Ticket FAQ page.


Stable 12 Brewing Company Holds Grand Opening in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company, located on Bridge Street in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company, located at 368 Bridge Street in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company was welcomed to the Phoenixille community on Saturday, July 18, 2015.  I was lucky to be present for the ribbon cutting ceremony and had a tour of the brewery with CEO and co-founder Rick Wolf.  Read about my visit to Stable 12 in Ticket to Entertainment this week!

Below are some additional photos from the grand opening!


The Brewholder

Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

Getting ready to cut the ribbon!

Getting ready to cut the ribbon!

The tasting room

The tasting room

Those are some big scissors!

Those are some big scissors!

A delicious flight of Stable 12 brews!

A delicious flight of Stable 12 brews!

Loading the randall with Citra for Stable 12's IPA

Loading the randall with Citra for Stable 12’s IPA

IPA on Citra hops through the randall

IPA on Citra hops through the randall

A deliciously dangerous Imperial Stout at 11.9%!

A deliciously dangerous Imperial Stout at 11.9%!

Uncle B's BBQ is the perfect compliment to Stable 12's brew

Uncle B’s BBQ is the perfect compliment to Stable 12’s brew

Stable 12 Brewing Company - established 2015

Stable 12 Brewing Company – established 2015

Firestone Walker to join Duvel

In a press release posted on their website today, Firestone Walker announced that they will be joining the Duvel Moortgat family of breweries, which includes Cooperstown, NY based Brewery Ommegang and Kansas City based Boulevard Brewing.  Read the press release here:


The Brewholder

Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved