A Special Homebrew

I’m very lucky for many reasons, but one for sure is that I share a birthday with my daughter.  This year she turns 11, which means that in 10 years she’ll be able to legally share the subject of my writing with me.  So today on her 11th birthday, I’m using my meager home brewing skills to craft a 10.2% ABV Imperial Russian Stout with cocoa powder, cinnamon and a touch of chili power.  Once fermentation is over, I will bottle it, cap it and wax seal it, and let them sit for 10 years.  Then we will enjoy them together when she turns 21.

Who knows how this beer will turn out, but it is a fun project dedicated to my amazing firstborn!  Happy birthday!





A beautiful birthday for brewing!

A beautiful birthday for brewing!

Cocoa, cinnamon, chili...get in my stout!

Cocoa, cinnamon, chili…get in my stout!

Extra dry malt = extra ABV!

Extra dry malt = extra ABV!

We're on the boil - and man does it smell great!

We’re on the boil – and man does it smell great!


The Brewholder

Copyright 2016 – all rights reserved

Oktoberfests in the region – Prost!

Oktoberfest is upon us again, with the official dates in Germany from September 17 – October 3.  Check out my list of Oktoberfests in our area on Ticket to Entertainment:

Lift ein Mass and sing Ein Prosit – it’s Oktoberfest!

And for you who subscribe to Comcast / Xfinity TV – the “Sounds of the Seasons” channel is all Oktoberfest music, all the time!  Ja!


The Brewholder

Copyright 2016 – all rights reserved