Ommegang’s “Rosetta” – a wonderful cherry collaboration
Brewery Ommegang has just released their newest Belgian inspired brew – “Rosetta.” According to the press release, Ommegang’s Brewmaster Phil Leinhart wanted to make a soured fruit beer but it wasn’t a possibility at the facility in Cooperstown. So he collaborated with their sister brewery Liefman’s in Belgium and created a blended sour cherry beer. “Leinhart’s recipe calls for a perfectly balanced blend of old (aged on cherries at least three years) and young Flemish brown ale (or oud bruin) with a lively and fruity kriek, or cherry beer. The result is a complex yet refreshing mahogany-brown brew that is an intriguing interplay of tartness and sweetness.”
At 5.6% ABV, Rosetta is available now in all 43 states that carry Ommegang’s products.
The Brewholder
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