Stable 12 Brewing Company Holds Grand Opening in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company, located on Bridge Street in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company, located at 368 Bridge Street in Phoenixville

Stable 12 Brewing Company was welcomed to the Phoenixille community on Saturday, July 18, 2015.  I was lucky to be present for the ribbon cutting ceremony and had a tour of the brewery with CEO and co-founder Rick Wolf.  Read about my visit to Stable 12 in Ticket to Entertainment this week!

Below are some additional photos from the grand opening!


The Brewholder

Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved

Getting ready to cut the ribbon!

Getting ready to cut the ribbon!

The tasting room

The tasting room

Those are some big scissors!

Those are some big scissors!

A delicious flight of Stable 12 brews!

A delicious flight of Stable 12 brews!

Loading the randall with Citra for Stable 12's IPA

Loading the randall with Citra for Stable 12’s IPA

IPA on Citra hops through the randall

IPA on Citra hops through the randall

A deliciously dangerous Imperial Stout at 11.9%!

A deliciously dangerous Imperial Stout at 11.9%!

Uncle B's BBQ is the perfect compliment to Stable 12's brew

Uncle B’s BBQ is the perfect compliment to Stable 12’s brew

Stable 12 Brewing Company - established 2015

Stable 12 Brewing Company – established 2015

New BREW content on Ticket to Entertainment

Digital First Media’s “Ticket to Entertainment” has added a new page to its website – the “Brew Hub” – dedicated to craft beer!  Take a look at the Beer Event listing – compiled by yours truly – and a nice summary of the breweries in the Greater Philadelphia region.


The Brewholder

Copyright 2015 – all rights reserved